Quality Pest & Wildlife Removal in Foxborough, Mansfield

Striped Skunks
Mass Bay Wildlife Management, Inc. is a full-service wildlife & pest control company specializing in the prevention and non-lethal removal of nuisance animals and other common pests from homes and businesses. From initial inspection to final clean-up and even home repair services, we do it all.
Whatever your pest, we have the solution. Whether you need an animal removed or termite control, we offer the safe, reliable solutions to keep your home free of pests. Call us today at (508) 345-1230.
We proudly serve the following areas: Metro Worcester, Metro West (including Framingham, Natick, Milford, Wellesley, Newton), North Shore (including Somerville, Medford, Danvers, Peabody), South Shore (including Milton, Quincy, Weymouth, Hingham) South Coast (including Fall River, Swansea, Seekonk) MA, and Parts of Rhode Island.
The skunk’s den is typically under a low-lying porch, deck or shed. Occasionally they will take advantage of a large enough hole in the foundation of the home. Since it is a burrowing animal, exclusion must be performed at and below grade, not only at their access point, but along the entire outer edge of the structure (deck, shed, porch). This is the only way to keep the animals from digging a new burrow to regain entry. We use 2 different processes to exclude the skunks, depending on site conditions. The first process employs trenching and screening: We dig a trench 12″-15″ deep along the perimeter. We then install galvanized steel screening, attaching it to the base of the structure and extending it into the soil. We then backfill the soil. If desired, we can improve the aesthetics of the work by adding lattice, trim, etc. The 2nd process employs a product called Dig Defence: This heavy duty steel exclusion product is driven into the soil to a depth of 16″ using a sledgehammer. In both instances, we will install a one-way door to allow any animals in the den to escape. Once through the door, the animals are locked out of the den. We remove the door after 1-2 weeks, then complete the exclusion and backfill the soil. Trapping and removal of the skunk is not necessary, but can be performed if desired. The exclusion service warranty period is 2 years. (Exclusion work for opossum and woodchuck is identical to that of the skunk).